Clare’s debut novel, I Let You Go, was a top ten bestseller and was the fastest selling title by a new crime writer in 2015.
*Would you like to introduce yourself to the Dutch readers, using five characteristics?
I am creative, curious, interested in people, addicted to words and easily distracted...
*Your books are absolute psychological thrillers. How dit you come up with the plots?
My first novel, MEA CULPA, was inspired by a real-life hit-and-run that occurred when I was a police officer, and my second was the result of a journey to London, watching commuters going to work. My third novel is also inspired by a real-life situation, but telling you about it would spoil the story!
*What character in the books has most of you in it?
There is a little piece of me in every character that I write. In LET ME LIE, my most recent book, I empathised with Anna - a new mother - but also with Murray, a retired detective. Although I am not (quite!) as old as Murray, I remember the feeling of impotency when I left the police, and think I put something of myself into his character as a result.
*The covers of your books are the same for all translations. Did they do that on your requirement?

*I really love the cover of your first book. Did you have a vote in choosing the image and front style?
I have a great design team who work hard on a cover before presenting me with their thoughts. I have always been delighted, and so impressed with their interpretation of the story.
*You spent twelve years in the policeforce, how do you look back on those years?
I loved my police career and still miss it from time to time. It gave me a fantastic training ground in people observation: when you’ve been the victim of crime, or you’ve witnessed a crime - or even if you’ve committed a crime - your emotions are at their most raw, and that’s very valuable for a writer.
*You took a degree in french and management, worked as a policeofficer and now you're a fulltime writer. What
is it you wanted to be when you were a little girl?
I wanted to be a writer, so that’s worked out well :-)
*What kind of books do you like to read yourself?
I love to read crime and psychological thriller books, although I find that many of them are very similar. I break things up by reading funny novels, or non fiction.

Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier, is one of my all time favourite books. It has a tremendous sense of place which adds to the building tension.
*Do you have a wrinting-routine or any writing rituals, and if so, what are they?
I listen to the same playlist over and over again when I’m writing. It’s a very dull instrumental album - the sort of music you might hear in a spa - and I hardly notice it any more, but it puts me instantly in the right frame of mind for writing.
*What can distract you from writing?
Friends, my children, Twitter.
*What are your future plans?
To carry on writing books that people enjoy reading.
Some other kind of questions:
*What is your guilty pleasure in music?
I don’t believe in ‘guilty pleasures’. One shouldn’t be ashamed to enjoy any kind of literature, music, television. I like all sorts of music, depending on my mood. When I’m writing I can’t listen to anything with lyrics, otherwise I can’t concentrate on my own words.
*If you had to stay on a deserted island for a year, what 3 thinks would you take with you?
The complete works of Shakespeare. I have a lovely book I was given when I was a teenager, with every single Shakespeare play (in very tiny letters). It would keep me busy for a while. A keyboard, so I could teach myself to play the piano. And a mammoth slab of chocolate.
*If you have someone over for the first time, what do you cook for them?
I like meals that prompt informality and sociability, so we often have fondue, or raclette, or fajitas.
*What makes you very happy?
Writing. If I take more than a few days off I start to twitch.
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